Home Life Where She Stays at The Rest of The Year?

Where She Stays at The Rest of The Year?

A school bus driver stopped the vehicle to take little George out.

The kid opened the door and saw his grandmother reaching her hands to grab him.

The driver though, to make sure that that person is really a family member, asks the kid. “Is this really your grandmother?”

“Yes. She visits every Christmas!”

“Very good! And where she stays at the rest of the year?” the driver insists.

“At the airport!,” says the kid and continues, “Whenever we feel like, we go there and we take her home…”

A three-year-old boy,

was as excited as he could be to visit his grandma and grandpa in another state, especially since it meant taking his first trip on an airplane.

He just boarded with his parents and got buckled in when he looked around the plane and frowned. “What is it?” His dad asked, wondering if he was nervous.

He then asked, a bit worried, “Are ALL these people going to Grandma’s house too?”

For two solid hours,

the lady sitting next to a man on an airplane had told him about her grandchildren. She had even produced a plastic-foldout photo album of all nine of the children.

She finally realized that she had dominated the entire conversation on her grandchildren.

“Oh, I’ve done all the talking, and I’m so sorry. I know you certainly have something to say. Please, tell me… what do you think of my grandchildren?”

A boy is writing his grandmother a letter.

His friends sees it and asks him: “Who are you writing that letter?”

“My grandma” The boy replies.

“Why are you writing so slowly?” His friend asks him.

“She can’t read very fast!”

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