Home Life What is the purpose of round holes on pot and pan handles?...

What is the purpose of round holes on pot and pan handles? 90% of the answers are just to hang

What is the purpose of round holes on pot and pan handles? 90% of the answers are just to hang

If you think these holes only provide the function of hanging pots/pans more easily, this is the correct answer but not enough!

There are items that seem very familiar, even seen or used every day, but we may not really understand their functions. Look no further than asking the question: What are the holes on the handles of pots and pans used for?

Surely up to 90% of users only think that they are designed to serve the purpose of hanging/hooking pots and pans more easily. However, they still have other extremely interesting uses that this article will “enlighten” you.

The answer is as follows:



These holes are designed by the manufacturer with the purpose of being used as a position to fix ladles, spoons, chopsticks, etc. while you are cooking and want to rest your hands to handle something. Very simple, you just need to insert the handles of the ladle, spoon, chopsticks, etc. into these holes. Hearing a hundred times is not as good as seeing once, below are illustrative images so we can visualize the function of the holes:


Humidity at home? Smart Grannies’ advice to solve this problem for good

Humidity in the home can be more than just an inconvenience; this can lead to problems such as mold growth, health problems, and damage to the structure of the home. However, solutions do not always require modern technology. Sometimes, centuries-old wisdom, like that of our grandmothers, provides the most effective remedies.

The Science Behind Humidity and Its Effects
Humidity is basically the amount of water vapor present in the air. High humidity levels in homes can create an environment conducive to mold growth. It can also exacerbate respiratory problems and attract parasites like dust mites.


The wisdom of grandmothers: natural solutions to humidity

Our grandmothers often turned to simple but effective natural methods to combat humidity. These proven techniques are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly.

1. Ventilation: the age-old method of circulating air
Understanding Ventilation : Good air circulation is crucial to managing indoor humidity.

Practical tips : Regularly opening windows and doors to create a cross breeze can significantly reduce humidity levels.

2. Salt: a natural dehumidifier
How Salt Works : Salt is a hygroscopic material, meaning it can absorb moisture from the air.

Use salt effectively : Placing bowls of rock salt in humid areas can help absorb excess moisture.

3. Plants that reduce humidity

Natural dehumidifiers : Some plants, like Boston ferns and peace lilies, naturally absorb moisture through their leaves.

Select the Right Plants : Incorporating these plants into your home decor can help maintain a balanced humidity level.

4. Charcoal Briquettes: An Unlikely Moisture Absorber
The Power of Charcoal : Charcoal briquettes can absorb moisture and neutralize odors.

Directions : Place them in a basket in damp areas to reduce humidity.

5. Baking soda: much more than just a kitchen staple
Absorbent properties of baking soda : It can effectively absorb moisture and neutralize odors.

Application : Sprinkling baking soda on carpets and upholstery can help wick away moisture.

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