Home Life L.Matt have a problem with “ch” sound.

L.Matt have a problem with “ch” sound.

Five-year-old Matt worked with a speech therapist on the ‘ch’ sound, which came out sounding like a ‘k’ sound.

The therapist asked him to say chicken. His response sounded more like the kitchen.

They tried again and again, but it always came out kitchen. Undeterred, she pushed him for one more try.



Matt sighed and said, “Why don’t we just call it a duck?”

A blonde couldn’t drive her car during the night.

A blonde called her car customer service saying she could only drive her car during the day. During the night, it didn’t move at all.

A mechanic comes and after an inspection couldn’t find anything wrong.

“You sure you put the right fuel?”

“Yup. Petrol”

Eventually, he asks her if she’s using the right gears.



She says, “Of course, I’m not stupid. I’m using D during the day and N during the night”


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