If You Have This Line On Hand You Are Really Lucky
It’s no surprise that palmistry has divided people’s opinions over the years. After inspecting their palm, some are more than willing to believe what a palm reader tells them about their life and future. Others—perhaps understandably—harbor more skepticism.
Whether you’re interested or not, some aspects of it make for interesting reading. You may not be entirely sure whether you’re destined for fame and fortune, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn something from the whole process.
If you know anything about palmistry, you’re probably familiar with the three main lines that most people have on their palms: the heart, head, and lifelines.
But have you heard of the fourth line that only a few people have? It used to be called the “simian line”, where the head and heart lines merge, and according to Palmists, it’s significant indeed.
The simian line, also known as the single transverse palmar crease, is said to only appear in 1.5% of people. Males are twice as likely to have the characteristic, which is also known to run in families.
Simian line on palm. Credit / Getty Images
What does the Simian Line mean?
So what does this rare line mean in palmistry? Well, palmists often believe that people with simian lines possess a special combination of emotions and intellect. Their thoughts and feelings are tightly connected, which means that their outlook and approach to life usually differ from that of the average person.
It probably won’t shock any of you to learn that some cultures throughout history have viewed the simian line as a sign of promise or potential greatness. After all, an unusual sign on the palm is hard to hide, and so bearers of a simian line could find themselves perceived as having the potential to possess extraordinary talents or abilities.
According to Mount Sinai, the simian line may also be linked to several d.iseases, including Down syndrome Aarskog syndrome, and fetal alcohol syndrome, among others. This is not to say that someone bearing the line has anything wrong with them, only that there appears to be at least some data supporting a connection.
Needless to say, there are many theories as to the cause of a simian line, and many people over the years have attempted to outline what they might mean for a person’s destiny (if you believe in such).
We’ll go on record as stating our opinion that having one doesn’t make you any better or worse than anyone else… but they sure are a cool feature!
Do you have a simian line on your palm? Do you know anyone who does? Let us know in the comments box.