
Are you good at biology? Let’s challenge yourself by these quiz!

Human biology is a tough but necessary subject. Knowing which internal body parts are which can go a long way to helping you take good care of yourself, much like knowing about the internal mechanisms of your car makes you a confident driver.

Do you know enough about your body? Put your anatomy knowledge to the test with our human biology quiz!


What's this?


What's this?


What's this?


What's this?


What's this?

Take your time, you have 30s for each question!
Now, check out the answer below:

Ans 1: the kneecap

Ans 2: The thigh bone

Ans 3: A kidney

Ans 4: The floating rib

Ans 5: The small intestine


Many Adults Are Stumped By This Kid Riddle– Can You Solve It?

Riddles are a fantastic way to stimulate young brains. Kids love to explore and the more they explore, the more will be their creative enhancement.

Here are some riddles that people often use in school to make the class more active. Many adult try to do it but they can not find the right answer.

So, in your free time, give it a try! If you can find all the answer you are truly a genius!

Now, Let’s start:

1.  I am the biggest alphabet, as I contain the most water in the world. Who am I?

2. I have all the knowledge you have. But I am small as your fist that your hands can hold me. Who am I?.

3. What has hands but cannot clap?.

4. I am tall when I am young and I am short when I am old. What am I?

5. What is at the end of a rainbow?

Let’s thinking carefully. They are tricky questions.

The answer will be shown bellow but don’t cheat.

Check answer:

1. Ans. Alphabet ‘C’

2. Ans. I am your Brain.

3. Ans. A clock

4. Ans. A candle

5. Ans. The Letter ‘W’



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