
Find the hidden letter within 10 seconds

Find hidden letters that stick out. Can you?

Okay, here’s the challenge today.

Below there’s a picture filled with Y’s.

The challenge is to find hidden letters that are not a Y. There a few.

Here is the picture – will you find hidden letters?

Did you see at least one? It’s not easy, but it should be fine if you focus.

If you can’t make it, then the answer is below.




Here is the right answer

The solution comes in the picture below.

There, quite far down the right, there is a T!

A bit more to the left, you can also find both V and X.

It wasn’t easy, and the colors didn’t really help.

Did you solve it on your own? Congratulations on that case!

Only a genius can find the letter Z: Can you do it in less than 10 seconds?

Find the letter Z

The task below is about mind-eye coordination. Your mission is to find the letter Z hiding among the many 7’s. It sounds easier than it is!

Apparently, only 1 in 10 can solve this within 10 seconds! So if you manage to do it, then you’re practically a genius! Here it is: ready, set go!

Below you’ll see a picture containing lots of 7s, but somewhere inside the image, a letter hides. Your challenge is to find that letter.

Here is the picture – will you find an odd letter?

Did you see at least one? It’s not easy, but it should be fine if you focus.

If you can’t make it, then the answer is below.




Here is the right answer

The solution comes in the picture below.

There, high up in the corner, a Z is hiding. It’s very much like a 7, so it was certainly no walk in the park to find it.

Congratulations if you found the hidden Z!

Did you solve it on your own? Congratulations on that case!

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