Home Life Pay Close Attention To These Numbers When Buying Fruit

Pay Close Attention To These Numbers When Buying Fruit

Have you ever wondered what’s the meaning of the numbers that you see on those little stickers affixed to fruits and veggies? These numbers are called PLU and they may tell you if the product is organic, or GMO and they can give you other information about the food you are going to consume.

What is PLU?

PLU is an acronym that stands for “price lookup.” These codes can be found on little stickers affixed to fruits and vegetables sold at grocery shops and supermarkets.

They are intended to aid cashiers in knowing what to charge a customer for a given piece of produce. After all, some apples look alike—but prices vary among varieties. Since a cashier can’t necessarily discern between a Fiji and a Honeycrisp apple with the naked eye, PLU codes were born.

The meaning of PLU Codes

• A five-digit code beginning with a “9” is one that has been priced as organic. These are commonly seen in the organic produce section in supermarkets and in chain health-food stores.

• A four-digit code beginning with a 3 or a 4 means the produce is probably conventionally grown. For example, regular small lemons sold in the U.S. are labeled 4033, large are 4053; small organic lemons are coded 94033, large are 94053.

• A five-digit code that starts with an 8 means the item is genetically modified (GMO).

A note about GMO products:

A PLU code beginning with a “8” means that the produce is GMO. However, the private consumer will rarely see a piece of produce labeled with an “8”. Why is that? Read the next section to find out why most GMO products are not labeled.

The “8” indicates a genetically modified organism, or GMO—an acronym that is like a curse word for many health-conscious people.

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on PLU Codes

According to Consumer Reports, many GMO items are sold under standard, four-digit codes, and consumers are none the wiser, because of the stigma that controversy over GMOs has brought along with it.

While many consumers want transparency and to be given a real, easily distinguished choice in what they purchase at the grocery store, GMO-selling companies don’t want to see their sales plummet, as most Americans say they would avoid GMOs if they were labeled. In addition, GMOs are not required to be labeled in most places.

How to Avoid GMOs

Although companies are not required to put warning labels on GMOs, companies can opt to boast when their products are GMO-free.

The most sure way to avoid GMO is to buy produce labeled “USDA certified organic” or specifically labeled as “non-GMO.”

USDA Certified Organic – According to the USDA’s official website, the inclusion of any type of GMO is prohibited in an organic product.

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