What happens when you sleep on the left side
We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. We all know that sleep duration is crucial to mental and physical well-being, but sleeping position may be another important factor in the quest for optimum health.
Different sleeping positions can lead to different results for the body, for better or worse. People should generally sleep in the way that works best for them. However, if you’re experiencing back pain, jaw pain, poor digestion, and more, you should consider changing your sleeping position.
Sleeping on your left side may be the key to better health and sleep. The theory comes from Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health and m-e.dicine that originated in India.
This article will examine how sleeping affects health and whether there is a best sleep position.
The Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left Side
1. It bolsters the lymphatic system.
According to Ayurvedic m-e.dicine, if you sleep on your left side, your body can better filter lymph fluid and waste through the lymph nodes, as the left side of your body is the dominant lymphatic side. Sleeping on the left side can help the body process waste materials from the brain. On the other hand, sleeping on the right side can decrease the lymphatic system’s efficiency.
2. It may improve digestion.
In particular, sleeping on your left side can help relieve gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and heartburn. The stomach is on the left side of the body. Lying on this side allows gravity to aid the digestion process.
3. Good for your heart.
Pregnant women sleep on their left side to improve circulation to the heart. Sleeping on the left side can help relieve some pressure on the heart, as gravity can facilitate lymphatic drainage toward and aortic circulation away from the heart.
4. It’s ideal for pregnant women.
Sleeping on the left side improves b-l.ood circulation in pregnant women. It can also help relieve pressure on the back, prevent the u-t.erus from squeezing the liver, and increase b-l.ood flow to the u-t.erus, kidneys, and fetus. This is why doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep on their left side as much as possible.
5. It may reduce heartburn.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology found that lying on your left side can relieve symptoms of acid reflux. This is because our stomach lies on the left side. Conversely, lying on your right side may aggravate these symptoms. The effects are fairly immediate; if you suffer from heartburn after a meal, try lying on your left side for 10 minutes.
6. It may relieve back pain.
Sleeping on your stomach can put pressure on your spine and cause pain. Sleeping on your side keeps your spine straight and reduces pressure on your lower back.
7. Reduce snoring
When you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate slide backward and partially cover the airway, causing increased snoring. This is also common in people with sleep apnea. But side-sleeping keeps the tongue forward and the airway clear.
8. Help with brain health
Many people don’t know that the brain eliminates waste during slumber. Studies show that sleeping on your side helps the brain clear metabolic waste more effectively by supporting the glymphatic system, which is similar to our lymphatic system but in our central nervous system.
How to Train Yourself to Sleep on Your Side
Choose a good pillow and mattress
Use pillows as barriers and supports
Sleep on the couch at first
While all of these factors are compelling reasons to sleep on your left side, it’s important to note that some people—including those with heart d.isease, sleep apnea, glaucoma, and carpal tunnel syndrome—may not benefit from sleeping on their side. If you’re unsure about which sleeping position is best for you, it’s always a good idea to consult a medical professional.