
Two ladies had been friends for decades

The two ladies had been friends for decades.

Every day they sat together on a bench in the park and chatted.

One day, one lady told the other, “This is terribly embarrassing, but I hope you understand. You know how it is to be old. I keep forgetting things. I have to tell you, my dear friend, that I simply can’t remember your name. Could you please tell me your name again?”



The other lady looked at her for a long time, and asked, “How soon do you need to know?”

Liz and Mary were talking in the office one day.

Brunette Mary and blonde Liz were talking in the office one day.

Mary: “Wow, it seems you have a cold, Liz.”

Liz: “What should I do now, I just can’t get rid of this.”

Mary: “Try some Cold-Doc 3. I have a bottle on my desk. Just take 3 tablespoons before you go to bed and you’ll be fine. Here ya go.”

Liz: “Thanks, I’ll give it a try.”

The next day Liz was standing by her desk jumping up and down, waving her arms in the air, and kicking her legs out.

Mary: “Liz, It is nice to see you are feeling better. Is that a new dance?”



Liz: “Oh No, I still don’t feel that great. I took the medicine you gave me and just realized it said to shake well before using.”


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