Home Life The Talking Clock.

The Talking Clock.

A student was lucky to find a decent accommodation with a cheap rent.

His colleagues came to visit him and he was showing them the house. “This is the kitchen. This is the bedroom. And this one is the living room.”

“And what are the hammer and the pot that are hanging on the wall for? What are you going to do with them?” one of his colleagues asked.

“This is a talking clock.”

“I have never seen a clock like that. Can you show me how it works?”

“Sure! Look,” the student said. He took the hammer and struck at the pot with all his strength. Then, a voice was heard from the other side, “What are you doing? Are you crazy? It is half past one in the night, you idiot!”

Seven rabbits

Teacher: If I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Paddy: Seven.

Teacher: No, listen carefully again! If I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Paddy: Seven.

Teacher: Let’s try this another way! If I give you two apples and two apples and another two apples, how many apples have you got?

Paddy: Six.

Teacher: Good. Now if I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Paddy: Seven.

Teacher: How on earth do you work out that three lots of two rabbits is seven?

Paddy: I’ve already got one rabbit at home.

Bill: Where did you get that gold watch Joe?

Joe: I won it in a race.

Bill: How many people participated in it?

Joe: Three, a policeman, the owner of the watch, and me!

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