
The Next One.

Changing diapers

After a young couple brought their new baby home, the wife suggested that her husband should try his hand at changing diapers.

“I’m busy,” he said, “I’ll do the next one.”

The next time came around and she asked again.

The husband looked puzzled. “Oh! I didn’t mean the next diaper. I meant the next baby.”

When Mary was pregnant,

her five year old, Billy, was utterly amazed and a little bit disbelieving that his sister was growing in his mom’s tummy. So one day when the baby was especially active, she asked Billy to place his tiny hands on her tummy to feel the baby kick.

But when he did, the baby was suddenly still. “Oh, Billy, she must have decided to take a nap,” shrugged his mother.

“A nap?” Billy marveled. “You mean there’s a bed in there too?”

With all the new technology regarding fertility recently, a 65-year-old woman was able to give birth.

When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, her relatives came to visit.

“May we see the new baby?” one asked.

“Not yet,” said the mother. “I’ll make coffee and we can visit for a while first.”

Thirty minutes had passed, and another relative asked, “May we see the new baby now?”

“No, not yet,” said the mother.

After another few minutes had elapsed, they asked again, “May we see the baby now?”

“No, not yet,” replied the mother.

Growing very impatient, they asked, “Well, when can we see the baby?”

“WHEN HE CRIES!” she told them.

“Why do we have to wait until he CRIES?”


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