A salesman knocked on the door on the First house of the street to advertises a new powerful Vacuum cleaner
A beautiful lady answered the door.
Before she could say anything, the enthusiastic sales clerk broke into the living room, opened a large black plastic bag, and poured all the cow droppings onto the carpet.
“Ma’am, if I couldn’t clean this up in 5 minutes with this powerful new vacuum, I’m going to EAT all of these!” Exclaimed the enthusiastic salesman.
“Do you need chilly sauce or ketchup with that” asked the lady.
The bewildered salesman asked, “Why, madam?”
“There’s no electricity in the houseā¦” said the lady.
A blonde buys a puzzle and takes it home.
A blonde buys a puzzle and takes it home.
After an hour she has none of it together, so she gets frustrated and calls her boyfriend Anant
She says ” I just bought this puzzle, but I can’t find any of the edges and none of the pieces fit together”.
He asks her what is the picture supposed to be.
She says ” a rooster”.
He says ” I’ll be over in a minute to help you”.
When Anant gets there he says “damn honey! put all those cornflakes back in the box!