Home Life The police stop a man and woman who have their seatbelts on.

The police stop a man and woman who have their seatbelts on.

The police stop a man and woman who have their seatbelts on.
Police: “hi you’re the first people today with their seatbelts on, so we want to give you an award of 5000 dollars.”

The policeman seeing the happy couple gets curious and asks “what are you going to do with the money?”

The man answers: “I’m going to take lessons for my driver’s license”

The woman:” don’t listen to him. When he is drunk he says stupid things!”

The man in the backseat: “I told you not to ride in a stolen car!”
A voice from the trunk: “did we cross the border?”

Is this funny?


Smart wife

Man on the phone: “Honey I’ve been asked to go fishing in China with my boss for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get the promotion. So could you please pack enough clothes for a week, set out my rod & fishing box. We’re leaving from office & I’ll swing by the house to pick my things. Oh, Please pack my new blue silk pajamas!”

The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy, but being a good wife she did exactly as her husband said.

The following weekend he came home a little tired but looking good…

The wife welcomed him & asked if he caught a lot of fish?

He said “Yes, Lots of Salmon, Blue gill & a few Swordfish. But why didn’t u pack my blue silk pajamas?”

You’ll love the answer..!!

She says, “I did…..They’re in your fishing box”

…. Game over !!


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