
One Tricky Puzzle That Has Nothing To Do With Math

Do you love cracking some puzzles? In case your answer is yes, then, you can surely get the answer to this one! Just bear in mind that this very simple puzzle has nothing to do with math. Ready? Let’s go!

Note: The answer is provided below!

So do you have an answer now? If yes, let’s check if it is correct!

(Please don’t scroll down unless you’re already done answering.)





Is your answer correct? We hope it is! Challenge your friends and family members by sharing this very simple puzzle with them!

Today’s challenge: Only a few people can find all the triangles in this image

Find all the triangles in this picture

Below is today’s puzzle. In the picture we see a bunch of triangles forming a hexagon, filled with different colors.

The challenge: find all the triangles. Here is the picture.

How many triangles did you find? Be sure to look carefully at the picture before giving up. Below the next image, we will reveal the answer.




There are a lot of triangles

There are a lot of triangles.

How many triangles did you find?

It is important to think a little outside the box to figure this one out.

The correct answer is 35!

Congratulations then!

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