Home Blog How To Get a Broken Key Out of a Lock

How To Get a Broken Key Out of a Lock

Imagine arriving home after a long day at work, a trip, or running errands, eager to get inside. As you insert your key into the lock and turn it, disaster strikes—it snaps in half! A fragment remains lodged in the lock, leaving you locked out. Now, the question is: what’s the most effective way to extract the broken key from the lock?

Here’s a useful guide with tips on removing a broken key from a lock and preventing it from happening again. There are several methods to try, including tweezers, glue, a blade, or an extractor kit—the best option depends on your situation. If you want to avoid the cost of a locksmith, you might consider a DIY approach first. It could end up saving you a good amount of money!

The different methods for removing a broken key from a lock

1. Lubricate the lock:

Apply a lubricant like graphite powder or a lock-specific spray to the keyhole. This helps reduce friction, making it easier to extract the broken key.

2. Use tweezers:

If a portion of the key is visible outside the lock, you can attempt to remove it with tweezers. Grip the exposed part firmly and carefully pull it out. Needle-nose pliers can also be a useful alternative for this task.

3. Use a magnet:

This method only works if your key is made of a magnetic material, such as iron or steel. If so, simply hold a magnet near the lock to attract the broken piece, allowing you to pull it out easily.

4. Use a key extractor kit:

If the key has snapped inside the lock with no part sticking out, a key extractor kit can help remove the broken piece. These affordable kits come with various hooks designed for different locks. To use one, carefully insert the extractor into the lock as instructed, twist it slightly to catch onto the broken key, and gently pull it out. If you’d rather not buy an extractor kit, you can create a makeshift tool using a small jigsaw blade.

5. Dismantling the lock:

With some DIY skills, you may be able to disassemble the plug, cylinder, and lock.

6. Use glue to stick the parts of the key back together:

You can attempt to apply a gel-based glue to the stuck key fragment using a metal wire or the tip of a toothpick. Be careful not to push the broken piece deeper into the lock while doing so.

7. Call a professional locksmith:

If none of the above methods work or you prefer not to take any risks, it’s best to contact a professional locksmith. They have the expertise and specialized tools to handle all types of car and house locks, ensuring the key is removed without causing damage.

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