Home Life How To Fix A Hole In Clothing Without Sewing

How To Fix A Hole In Clothing Without Sewing

Now and then, you might notice a hole in your favorite shirt or pants. But hold on before you toss them out! You can still save those beloved items, even if you’re not a sewing expert. This technique is super helpful for small holes because it makes the stitches smooth and not so noticeable. Once you start looking for those annoying little holes, you might find more than you thought in your closet. The best part is that once you master this trick, mending each tiny hole will only take a few minutes!

What Causes a Hole in Clothing

Those pesky little holes can appear for many reasons. Sure, moths often get the blame, but they aren’t the only culprits. Regular wear and tear can lead to small holes, and even things like zippers or jewelry can catch and make problems, too. These can include:

  • Zippers
  • Bras
  • Belts
  • Your washing machine
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Snags on rough surfaces

How to Repair Clothes Without Sewing

Before you start fixing any holes, you will need the following:

  • Clothes with holes measuring 5 mm or less
  • An Iron
  • Fusible bonding web
  • A large piece of wax paper


1. Turn the damaged article of clothing inside out and place it on the ironing board, the hole facing out.

2. Cut a small piece of fusing web. It should be slightly bigger than the hole you’re trying to repair.

Image Credit: Classy Cheapskate | Youtube

3. Gently push both sides of the hole together (so that it looks like the hole is gone) and place the fusing web over the hole. Place the wax paper over the same spot. You can purchase fusing web at places like Walmart, fabric or craft stores, and Amazon.

4. Next, set your iron onto its wool setting and place it onto the wax paper. Do not move the iron or press on it for about 10 seconds. Remove carefully.

Image Credit: Classy Cheapskate | Youtube

5. Finally, pick up the piece of clothing and turn it right-side-in to examine the hole. If it hadn’t closed smoothly, use your fingers to close the hole, like in step two. Repeat steps three and four with the iron until the clothing looks as good as new. It may take a few tries to master the method, but when you succeed, you’ll notice immediately that the hole looks gone. [3]

Image Credit: Classy Cheapskate | Youtube

Sources: wdyst.me

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