The Answer Is More Important Than You Think
Our nails play a significant role in our fingers and can reveal signs of various health issues. Have you ever noticed the crescent-shaped white area at the base of your fingernail? This is called the lunula, which is a pigment change under the nail and a highly sensitive part that should never be damaged.
Here are some key facts about the lunula:
The word “lunula” is derived from the Latin word for “small moon.” Its white color is due to the fifth basal layer of the epidermis, which conceals the blood vessels beneath. While visible on most people’s nails, some may not see it because a thick layer of skin called the eponychium can partially or fully cover the lunula.
According to experts, the lunula can provide important clues about a person’s health. In traditional Chinese m-e.d.icine, the absence of a lunula may indicate malnutrition or anemia. A bluish or pale lunula might signal diabetes, while a reddish lunula could point to cardiovascular issues.
A small or missing lunula may suggest toxin buildup, slow metabolism, or indigestion. Ideally, you should have 8-10 visible lunulas on both hands, covering about one-fifth of each fingernail. The whiter the lunula, the healthier and more energetic the person tends to be.
Healthy fingernails are tough, smooth, glossy, and arc-shaped, with a clear lunula being a sign of vitality. When someone is energetic, their lunula appears whiter, but when energy levels are low, it becomes faint or unclear.
Changes in the lunula’s appearance can signal underlying health conditions. As a person’s health improves, the lunula may gradually return.
Individuals with small or barely visible lunulas often have weaker immunity, feel tired frequently, and may be at risk of illness. If the lunula is only visible on the thumbs, it may indicate low physical energy and the potential for health problems.