
A man walks into a bar and orders drink after drink after drink

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink.

Then he pulls out a picture of a beautiful girl, about 20. He orders drink after drink after drink. Finally, the bartender asks why he’s getting drunk

“I have to come home to this!” the guy says, pointing to the picture of the beautiful girl.

“What’s wrong with her?” asks the bartender. ”She’s beautiful and half your age!”



”Exactly. That’s my daughter.” <3

A brunette walks into a bar.

A brunette walks into a bar and says, ”Gimme an M L.”

The bartender says, ” What’s an M L?”

She says, ” A Miller Light.”

Another Brunette walks in and says, “Gimme a B L.”

The bartender says, ”What’s a B L?”

She says, ”Bud Light.”

A dumb blonde walks in and says, ”Gimme a 15.”

The bartender says,” What’s a fifteen?”



She says,’‘ 7&7, duh!”

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