Most of us have experienced a headache at some point in our lives, but we all experience them a little differently. To some of us, headaches are a mild annoyance that is harmless, while others see headaches as near-d.eath experiences.
The severity of your pain will most likely depend on whether you are experiencing a cluster headache, a tension headache, or a migraine.
Most people think throwing back some Advil will make the pain go away, but if that method fails to work, your headache could be a sign of something much worse.
If you notice any of these signs your headache could be something much more d.ang3rous.
1. You have speech or vision changes.
When a headache is more than just a simple headache, you will also have other symptoms. If you also have changes in your vision, trouble speaking or walking, or weakness on one side of your body, you could be having a stroke.
A stroke occurs when the b.lood supply to your brain is cut off or severely reduced, causing cells to almost immediately. Migraines with “aura” can be confused with a stroke, but they often give you added sensations, such as tingling in the body or flashes in your vision, whereas a stroke takes away sensations and results in a loss of vision or lack of feeling in the hands.
Even if you get migraines, the pain you feel from a headache during a stroke will be different — for example, a headache that comes on very suddenly is likely not a migraine and could be caused by a stroke. But it can be hard to tell the difference, so if you even suspect you may be having a stroke, call 911.
2. Your behavior changes.
If you’ve been getting worse and worse headaches and have other behavioral changes, it could be a sign of a brain tumor. Not all brain t.um0rs are c.anc3rous, but even benign t.um0rs can cause serious problems.
As the abnormal cells of a tumor causing it to grow, it can press on the b.lood vessels in your head, causing headaches. It also can press into the brain itself, causing neurological changes, depending on where it’s situated. These changes may cause you to act differently — according to the American Brain Tumor Association, more than half of patients with malignant (c.anc3rous) brain tumors experience behavioral changes.
You may also experience problems with memory, concentration, judgment and reasoning, reading and writing, and/or emotional control. If you or others around you have noticed these changes along with your headaches, see your doctor.
3. It comes on suddenly and severely.
A brain aneurysm occurs when weak b.lood vessels in the brain start expanding or “ballooning” out. Usually, they don’t cause symptoms, although if they get very big, they can cause headaches. But a ruptured aneurysm which occurs when the ballooned vessel pops and leaks b.lood around the brain, can cause a massive, sudden headache.
“The classic presentation is the worst headache of your life,” says Jonathan J. Russin, MD, a neurosurgeon at Keck Medicine of USC and assistant professor of clinical neurological surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. “They call it a ‘thunderclap’ headache.”
It may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, or drowsiness. If you experience a major headache like this, call 911 immediately.
4. You also have a stiff neck or high fever.
If you have a headache and a fever, you may think it’s the flu. But add in the telltale symptom of a stiff neck, and you may have meningitis.
The infection, which can be bacterial or viral, affects the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. The swelling of these membranes is what can trigger a headache and stiff neck. You may also have nausea, vomiting, or even seizures if you have meningitis. Although meningitis is hard to diagnose because it can mimic other infections, if you have a headache along with these other symptoms, it’s best to get checked by your doctor.
5. Headaches are interfering with your daily life.
If you have headaches that are landing you in bed all day or otherwise making you unable to perform your normal daily activities, it’s time to see a doctor. You may be experiencing migraines, or the headaches could be a symptom of another underlying issue such as the ones listed above. Only a doctor can assess the cause, so get help as soon as possible.