There are several simple and effective ways to stretch out that tiny piriformis muscle and provide relief from your sciatica pain. Give these 10 powerful piriformis stretches a try—and be sure to watch the videos, too.
1. Easy Seated Stretch
- Start by sitting in a chair and cross your sore leg over the knee of your other leg.
- While keeping your spine straight, bend your chest forward. If you don’t feel pain, bend forward a little more.
- Hold this position for about 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch with your other leg.
2. Standing Piriformis Stretch
- If you have trouble balancing with this stretch, stand with your back against a wall and your feet about 24 inches from the wall for extra support.
- While standing, place the leg that’s causing you pain over the knee of your other leg. It should create the shape of the number 4.
- Lower your hips at a 45-degree angle until they reach the ground. Bend the leg you’re standing on as needed.
- As you bend forward at the waist, reach your arms down to the ground while keeping your spine straight.
- Hold for 30-60 seconds.
- Switch legs when done.
3. Supine Piriformis Stretch
- Lie down and bend your knees upwards.
- Cross the affected leg over your other leg and bend it upwards toward your chest.
- Grab your knee with one hand and your ankle in your other hand. Pull the bent leg across your body until your glutes are pulled tight.
- Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and release.
4. Outer Hip Piriformis Stretch
- Lying on your back, bend your sore leg upward and place your foot close to the back of your other knee.
- Tuck your foot behind that knee and twist your leg to the opposite side. Your knee should be touching the ground (or as close as you can get).
- Place the hand on your opposite knee and raise your opposite arm in the air.
- Hold for 20 seconds.
- Switch to the other leg.
- You’ll want to recover from this stretch! Lie on your back, bend both knees together, and gently pull them with your hands toward your chest.
5. Groin/Long Adductor Stretch
- Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs straight out in front of you, spread as far apart as possible.
- Place your hands on the floor next to each other while angling your torso forward toward the ground.
- Lean forward and rest your elbows on the ground. If you encounter pain, stop right away!
- Remain in the position for 10-20 seconds.
6. Inner Thigh/Short Adductor Stretch
- While sitting on the ground, put the soles of your feet together in front of your pelvis.
- Hold your ankles with the opposite hands (left hand – right ankle and vice versa).
Gently push downward with your knees with the effort to touch the ground with them. - You need to stop right before any pain occurs, which means that if you feel pain, get back an inch or two and stay there.
- Hold for 30 seconds, release, and flutter your legs in that position (like a butterfly) for 30 seconds.
- Want an even deeper stretch? Push your knees down with your elbows or bend your torso forward while keeping your back straight.
7. Side Lying Clam
- Lie down on the side of your body that isn’t in pain.
- Bend your legs back, holding one foot over the other and keeping your legs parallel to each other. You should be creating an “L” shape.
- Keeping your feet together, lift the top knee while keeping the rest of your body in the original position.
- Slowly bring your knee to the initial position.
- Repeat 15 times.
8. Hip Extension
- Get down on the ground on all fours, making sure your hands are in line with your shoulders.
- Raise your affected leg upward with your knee bent toward the ceiling.
- Gradually lower your leg until it’s almost touching the ground.
- Repeat 15 times.
9. Supine Piriformis Side Stretch
- Lie on the ground with your legs flat and back straight.
- Bend your sore leg upward, resting the foot on the outer side of the opposite leg beside the knee.
- Ease the knee of your affected leg across the middle of your body with your opposite hand until you feel a stretch, making sure to keep both your shoulders and hips on the ground.
- Hold for 30 seconds, return to the starting position, and switch legs.
- Repeat the process 2-3 times.
10. Buttocks Stretch for the Piriformis Muscle
- Place your hands and knees on the ground, getting into position on all fours.
- Bring the foot of your affected leg underneath your stomach, twisting it toward the opposite side near the hip, while pointing with the knee toward the shoulder.
- Lower your head, until your forehead touches the ground, and lean your forearms on the ground for support.
- Slowly stretch the non-affected leg out behind you, while keeping your pelvis straight.
- Push your hips slightly toward the floor.
- Hold for 30 seconds and return to the initial position slowly. Repeat 2-3 times.
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