
Only a “Super Genius” Can Solve This: Do You See The Odd Symbol?

According to EG Mines, these puzzles can’t be taken easily as only a true genius is able to handle them. Let’s confirm if that’s true or not! Wishing you the best of luck, you probably need it!

For each picture, you have 10 seconds. Don’t cheat because results that take longer than 10 seconds are invalid!

For the first image, you have to find the odd-looking speaker, you have 10 seconds and your time starts NOW!

Were you able to find it? If not, the solution is in the below image!

Now it’s time for the next one!

Try and find the odd sun emoji. You have ten seconds!

Let’s hope you managed to find it, the results are in the next image highlighted in red!

Now it’s time for the last one!

The results are in the red circle below!

Did you manage to get at least one of these puzzles right? Remember, only a genius can get all three right so pat yourself in the back if you did well!

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