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7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying to Contact You

Angels are spiritual beings that guide us in our lives. While their frequency differs greatly from that of humans, they communicate through channeled messages, dreams, or direct insights.

There are various signs that indicate angels are around us and trying to reach out. Initially, these signs may seem small or insignificant, but they often become more frequent and noticeable over time.

Angels send us these signs as symbolic reminders of their love and support. They may appear when you’re seeking validation, answers to a question, or simply as a gentle reminder that your angels are by your side.

Here are some of the most common signs from angels to help you recognize their presence.

1. Angel numbers

Angel numbers are one way your guardian angels may try to communicate with you. These are sequences of repeating digits, each carrying a specific meaning. For instance, seeing “111” suggests you’re heading in the right direction, “444” symbolizes stability, and “555” signifies upcoming changes. Angel numbers can show up anywhere—on clocks, license plates, phone numbers, billboards, and more.

When you notice an angel number, take a moment to reflect on your current thoughts or actions. Connecting the meaning of the number to your situation can offer guidance, clarity, or reassurance about your next steps.

2. White feathers

Discovering white feathers in unusual or unexpected places is a common sign from your guardian angels. It’s their way of reassuring you that they are by your side and reminding you that you’re never truly alone, even when it feels that way.

3. Random temperature changes

Experiencing sudden temperature changes, such as unexpected warmth or chills, can be a sign that your guardian angels are trying to communicate with you.

Warm sensations often symbolize blessings from your angels, while cold chills might indicate messages from departed loved ones or efforts by your angels to help clear blocked energy.

4. Visits from cardinals

Seeing a cardinal is believed to signify that a loved one who has passed away is still with you. As the saying goes, “When a cardinal appears, an angel is near.”

5. Flickering lights

Unexplained flickering lights may be a sign that your guardian angels are nearby and paying extra attention to you. It’s their way of reminding you of their presence.

6. Your pet or baby seeing something you don’t

If you notice your baby staring, laughing, or reacting joyfully to something invisible in the room, it could mean an angel is present. The same goes for pets like cats or dogs, as they are more attuned to things we can’t see due to their unique perception of the world.

7. Meaningful coincidences

Meaningful coincidences, or synchronicities as described by psychologist Carl Jung, are a creative way for guardian angels to capture your attention. For instance, you might hear a favorite song of a departed loved one on a day you’re missing them, or you could dream about a long-lost friend and unexpectedly run into them the next day. These moments are deeply personal reminders of divine presence and connection.


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